
SPU使用 横幅资讯系统 to process registration materials 和 complete financial arrangements. After a student registers for classes online or in 学生学术服务, 学生有义务按照学校当前的收费表支付合同服务费用.

SPU和学生之间的注册合同对双方都有约束力,除非任何一方根据适用的目录程序终止合同(参见 退款和账户调整).


反映学费和其他费用的电子通知, 杂项费用, 支付, 和应付金额将发送到学生的SPU电子邮件地址和由学生设置的授权付款人, 每个月.

It remains the student’s responsibility, 然而, 确保在付款到期日之前适当的付款到达学生财务服务部. If students need assistance determining the proper amount due, they should contact 学生财务服务 to talk with a coordinator.

如果学生在退学或毕业后仍然有未偿余额,他们将继续收到结算单. 声明通知将继续发送到学生的SPU电子邮件地址. 从1999年开始,SPU以前学生的电子邮件帐户不再被清除. It is our intention that these addresses persist indefinitely, but we reserve the right to change this policy at some point in the future. If you graduated prior to 1999, your SPU account may have been purged.

Checks for the correct amount due should be made payable in U.S. dollars ($US) to 网易彩票下载, 和 should include the student’s name 和 student identification number. 支票可亲自交付到学生财务服务,位于 Demaray大厅 10或邮寄至:


In addition to checks, the University accepts 电子支付 通过电子支票(直接从支票或储蓄账户中电子支付)支付给学生账户.

学校不接受任何信用卡直接支付学生账户余额. 相反,如果需要,它已经安排了第三方提供商来促进这种类型的支付. Additional fees apply for this service. Students may authorize additional individuals to 在线支付学生账户.


学生财务服务 provides students with payment options. 的 default option is for students to pay quarterly. 参观 付款选项页面 查看其他付款选项. 


你的结余, 在申请经济援助*之后, will be due in full with the first payment due date for each quarter.


  • 秋天季度: 2021年10月10日
  • 冬季学期: 2022年1月10日
  • 春季学期: 2022年4月10日

If payment in full is not received by these dates, 该帐户将受到滞纳金和注册/文凭持有(见 逾期收费及付款). 

Consult your monthly electronic statements for actual payment amounts due.


经济援助包括SPU奖学金,助学金,联邦助学金和奖学金,州助学金 助学金和奖学金、校外奖学金、学生贷款和家长PLUS贷款. Work study cannot be used in the calculation of 支付. Amount of financial aid listed is r和om.


For information 和 resources about student loan 还款,或提交投诉有关您的学生贷款或学生 贷款服务商,请访问 www.wsac.wa.政府 / loan-advocacy 或联络 学生贷款律师: loanadvocate@wsac.wa.政府.


If your billed statement balance is not paid 每个月, 您的帐户将被视为逾期,并将适用以下处罚:

  • 滞纳金1元.欠款余额的25%将在付款到期日后每月进行评估.
  • 在您的帐户信誉良好之前,您将无法注册未来季度或获得文凭.
  • 如果你报名参加了 付款计划你将被从计划中除名.

Severely past due accounts may be referred to a collection agency. 除了到期的SPU金额外,您还将负责收取至少30%至40%的未偿余额的收款费用.

Private College 529 plan 和 institutional gift aid

持有私立学院529的学生和家庭可以根据计划的规定在西雅图太平洋兑换学费计划证书. 值得注意的是,机构捐赠援助(助学金和奖学金)的总额, plus the redeemed tuition certificate value, will be limited to the total cost of tuition, 房间, 以及由SPU收取的伙食费.

Reimbursement program/ third-party billing

如果你的学费是由雇主或第三方(如大使馆或政府机构)报销的, 您可能符合雇主报销或第三方计费计划的资格.

每年都需要确认参加雇主报销计划的文件,并允许批准的学生账户费用延迟到季度结束后大约30天. 如果有第三方介入, the University will bill the third party directly, provided SFS has been given the appropriate documents, 例如采购订单, 官方授权, 等. All other account charges will be due when billed.

If you participate in the Boeing 学费 Voucher program, your eligibility is subject to approval by the Boeing Company. 直到SFS收到波音公司批准的参与其第三方计费计划的凭证, 您将收到每月的账单,并负责所有费用. Once the process has been completed, the Boeing approved charges will be paid on your student account. 如果您产生了波音公司未涵盖的费用,您将继续收到每月的账单. For more information about this program, contact SFS.


A student who has delinquent financial obligations, will not be permitted to register or attend classes for subsequent quarters, or to receive their diploma until such obligations have been satisfied. 网易彩票下载 reserves the right to deny enrollment, including advance registration or extension of credit, 和/或如果学生未履行逾期义务或未履行对学校的经济承诺,则将其完全退学.

如果继续不履行财务义务,可能会导致将拖欠帐户转到外部机构收取到期总额, 加上所有适用的托收费用和托收费用,托收费用至少为账户余额的30%至40%.


登记申请 are requests for exceptions to regular policies 和 procedures. 不允许因不方便而取代政策和程序. 请愿程序为学生和教师提供了在正常政策范围之外作出回应的可能性,当可以减轻的情况被判断为需要作出这样的回应时.

Extenuating circumstances include illness, 受伤, 家庭中的死亡, 以及移民问题. 截止日期前未解决的保留不构成减罪情况,也不是请愿的理由. 的 请愿书 不仅要表达请求,还要证明请求的有效性.

请愿书的形式 ,可在网上或德马雷大厅一楼的表格架上索取。. Instructions for completing this process are included on the form. 申请延迟注册的学生必须获得教师的许可,才能在申请等待期间坐在课堂上.

在所有情况下, 批准或拒绝申请的最终决定将由学生学术服务作出. SAS reserves the right to deny any 请愿书 for any reason.

An approved SAS 请愿书 may not adjust charges; a balance may remain due.



学生财务服务 is committed to creating opportunities, providing you with resources such as 现金的课程最大化你的钱 to help you to develop foundational financial underst和ing, 知道明智的财务决策将帮助你实现你的未来目标.



If financial aid overpays the student account, 当信用余额可用时,学生金融服务将通过电子邮件与学生联系.

信贷余额通过 直接存款 or mailed to the student’s current address on file.



Commercial banking services are available on campus:

  • U.S. 银行 毗邻SPU书店.
  • 现金机器: 外你.S. 银行; a 银行 of America ATM in the Weter Hall foyer; 和 a BECU ATM next to the SPU bookstore.