Biology Programs


Biology majors at 网易彩票下载 graduate with a broad understanding of living organisms. Through immersion in scientific inquiry and problem solving, you’ll develop fundamental skills and knowledge for entering a wide range of careers, 包括医学领域, 环境科学, research, and teaching.

The primary goals of the department include:

  • 培养学生 who understand and apply the scientific method to the study of life.
  • Preparing students to think critically and effectively communicate biological principles.
  • 生产的毕业生 who make informed decisions based on reliable evidence and guided by their Christian worldview.
  • 加强毕业生 to lead lives of grace-filled wholeness, and personal and professional integrity.

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.

Programs offered

了解更多网易彩票app这些 interdisciplinary biology programs.

  • 生物人类学(辅修)
  • 生物伦理与人文(辅修)
  • Ecotheology(小)

Please consult with your faculty advisor to select the best major for your interests. Be sure to discuss coursework modifications that may be required to meet your specific career goals.


Many biology majors will require you to complete an undergraduate research project for graduation. You will collaborate with a faculty member on an investigation that requires a formal proposal (BIO 4978), and participation in original research and public presentation of your results (BIO 4979).

No more than 6 credits of courses numbered from BIO 4900 through 4999 may be applied to any major.

Please visit the 生物系网站 for more information on research opportunities.

Related programs


SPU offers specialized faculty advising in the 学前健康科学专业 (PPHS) to help prepare you for acceptance into graduate-level professional health programs including medicine, 整骨疗法的医学, dentistry, 兽医, 医生助理, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, 以及职业疗法. 

Future teachers


If you plan to obtain elementary Residency Teacher Certification and are interested in teaching science, 您必须选择 综合研究专业 with a concentration in the natural sciences.

  • This concentration includes courses in biology, 物理和化学. mathematics, physical education, and natural sciences courses.
  • Questions may be directed to the faculty advisor for the natural sciences concentration, Dr. Kara Gray (


Students planning to seek 中学教师资格证 should pursue one of the Biology majors. Please meet with your advisor to select the most appropriate option.


If you intend to pursue any graduate-level training, you are encouraged to apply for a major in the BS in Biology, BS in 细胞与分子生物学, 或者生态学学士学位.



了解更多有关 生物系 to see how a degree in Biology can help you achieve your goals to make a difference in the world.

Meet the Biology faculty.


Course planning

建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.